
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fierce Battle

It's not a war of nerves, but,
of words
words - abandon me to see, just how
I react
I have picked their move, and I
do not care about them much, as I feel
it's not war of words, but
of thoughts
thoughts are playing with me, a game
of chess
how naive they are and wrong, in measuring
all my strengths, skills, strategies, and assume
I'll die in saving knights, rooks, bishops, and the queen
what they do not realize, is that I
am a mastermind of playing with pawns, and
positive thinking, obduracy are my pawns, for they never
never yield, in this war
we are all a unified single force, that is going to win
this bloody fierce battle.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

States of Mind

Clouds gather,
winds stop - no rain,
- clouds gather,
stormy winds, torrential rain
- states of mind!

Saalik Siddikki

10:32 a.m.  -  23-02-11

Village in Punjab

Vivid and expanding view,
like a landscape painter's canvas
- unpolluted peace

09:00 p.m. - 21-02-11
Dedicated to Ali Imran Amir's Chak 33-2L

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Positive Thinker

Tired, staggering, falling,
walking, crawling, creeping, moving ahead,
- overwhelming obduracy

09:30 p.m.  -  21-02-11

Monday, February 21, 2011

Red Carpet

Watching mirror  
-  on scarlet lips
she spreads a smile

02:22 p.m.  -  21-02-11

Cell Phone Virtue

Late midnight
Sleepless, lonely, tense -
SMS rescues

12:20 p.m.  -  21-02-11

Cell Phone Curse

Twilight phase
Lost in thoughts, catharsis
-         shattered by an SMS

12:10 p.m.  -  21-02-11